The Congregation of Bohemian Freethinkers of Chicago (Svobodna obec Chicagu) was founded in 1870 by Frantisek Zdrubek.

The Encyclopedia of Chicago states that they “published the largest Czech-language newspaper in the city. These freethinkers set up building and benevolent societies, maintained a school and a library, organized children’s programs and adult lectures, and sponsored musical and dramatic programs. Their congregation offered secular baptisms for their children and secular funerals, in the Bohemian National Cemetery, for their dead.”
Zdrubek and the Bohemian National Cemetery
Regarding the formation of Bohemian National Cemetery in Chicago,
“The first open conflict between the Catholics and Freethinkers escalated in 1876 when the Catholic priest of the Czech St. Wenceslaus parish Josef Molitor (Vlha 2012, 331), did not want to allow Marie Šilhánková (Hucke 36) to be buried at the conjoint Czech-Polish Catholic Cemetery, because she did not confess before her death. Molitor’s actions raised a wave of resentment amongst the Freethinkers headed by Zdrůbek. In response to the proclamation of Molitor, (Vlha 2012 331) Zdrůbek started a discussion concerning establishment of a Czech National Freethinkers Cemetery, in early 1877. In March 1877 Zdrůbek established a National Cemetery Society with deputies from 8 Czech societies namely, TJ Sokol, Czech Labor benevolent society, Society of St. Procopius et al. (Zdrůbek 5-6). The society decided to purchase a property of 50 Acres at the then municipality of Jefferson which was not at that time incorporated in the city of Chicago in July of 1876. The transfer ceremony of the property took place as early as September of that year. (Chada 51) Over the years the area of the cemetery has expanded to over 126 Acres. The limestone entrance gate of the cemetery built in neo-gothic style became the dominant of the current Northern neighborhood of North Park. In 1889 the cemetery officials laid the foundation stone of the memorial of Czech casualties of the Civil War. (Chada 51) Notable interments include, Czech victims of the SS Eastland disaster, or former Chicago mayor Antonín Čermák.”
“Czechs in Chicago” by Jan Zajdlik, MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO, Bachelor Thesis.
Zajdlik’s thesis link to the document is below: